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Christin Brown 1000385655
Emanuel Women's Facility
P.O. Box 218
Swainsboro, Georgia 30401

Hi My name is Nikki Brown, I am 38 years old, have five children and am currently incarcerated in Emmanuel Women's Facility in Georgia. I am seeking a penpal to communicate with and would like to develop a friendship. There are no outside jobs here so the time moves very slowly and it is lonely. I ended up here because of a lot of bad choices and a drug addiction. I am currently clean and hope to stay that way once I get out. It will take a lot of hard work and surrounding myself with positive people who do not use. I have many interest and will discuss those further through correspondence.

If you are a non-drug user, believe in God and do not have a problem with writing back and forth with someone in prison, then please write to me. I seek to write to anyone, men or women, for friendship and companionship. Thanks for considering me.

Date of Birth: 2/13/1985
Height: 5'4"
Education: High School
Occupation before prison: Unemployed
Earliest Release Date: 1/2026
Maximum Release Date: 9/2032
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? No
If yes which service?
Can you respond to email?
Activities in prison: GED classes, counseling, other classes
Anything Else?
Seeking companionship and friendship

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