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Jackie Pichardo 02304958
Coleman Unit
PO Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266-0400

Women are elemental, some are fire- impulsive, short tempered, passionate, sexy, light to the atmosphere giving energy to everything they touch. Some are water- laid back, relaxed, delicate but destructive, going with the flow always. Some are wind- transitional, free spirits, bipolar, misunderstood but unfazed, sweet to those that love them, dangerous to those who don't. Some are Earth- wise, strong, rich in knowledge, mentally tough, selfless and taken for granted. Me?!? I'm all four... and so much more! If you think you can handle the experience of the elements, write me or set up your phone at Texasprisonphones.com...

I'm looking forward to the storm!

Date of Birth: 6/3/1985
Height: 5'0"
Education: High School Diploma / Cosmetology
Occupation before prison: Cosmetologist
Earliest Release Date: 10/1/2027
Maximum Release Date: 10/1/2027
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which service? securustech.net
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison:
Reading, my teaching assistant job, working-out, watching movies, and writing
Anything Else?

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