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Lindsay Hurst 79809-112
Federal Satellite Prison Camp
P.O. Box 5300
Adelanto, California 92301

I have been incarcerated for distribution of meth but I'm changing my life around I am working hard to get my life back on track. I am trying to stay positive to get back to my family and friends but I need support and I'm looking for people interested in being there to write back-and-forth to help pass the time and positive people to be with when I get out. Send me a letter today!

In order for me to receive emails from you, your email must be registered with corrlinks.com. Please write me via postal mail providing me with your email address and I can send you an invitation with the link.

Date of Birth: 11/1/1985
Height: 5'9"
Education: High School Diploma
Occupation before prison: Miscellaneous
Earliest Release Date: 10/4/2029
Maximum Release Date: 10//2031
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which service? corrlinks.com
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison: Reading, Horticulture studies, Astrology, Self Help
Anything Else?

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