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Rebecca Vanderbush 00425282
Summer County
117 West Smith Street
Gallatin, Tennessee 37066

As I'm not Rebecca making this page, I'm just a true friend...
I can't say much, except your missing out if ya don't try to get to know her..
We all make mistakes, some smaller than others. But this chick is amazing, strong, caring, and beyond lovable.
Take a chance.. sometimes there the most worth taking ��

Recommended by 4 out of 5 people who recommend things��

Date of Birth: 4/2/1987
Education: High School Diploma
Occupation before prison: Server
Earliest Release Date: 1/2024
Maximum Release Date: 1/2025
Would you like letters from both sexes? Men
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which service? citytelcoin
Can you respond to email? Yes
Activities in prison: Just trying to make my time pass by
Anything Else?

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