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Corey Sanders 49521048
Nevada Southern Detention Center
2190 E Mesquite Ave
Pahrump, Nevada 89060

How are you doing love? My name is Corey, right now I'm doing a 5 year sentence. This is temporary. I'm looking for an understanding woman with her head on her shoulders, grown, flexible schedule, consistent and willing to do this time with me. If not, I understand and I'm not for you! I'm a good person in a bad situation and a father missing his son. I'm an alpha male, my plans is getting out and driving 18 wheelers, until I can own my trucking business, taking care of my son, traveling, and elevating in life. Feel free to hit me up, I'm a good listener.

Date of Birth: 7-7-93
Height: 5'10"
Occupation before prison: Trucking
Earliest release date: 2028
Maximum release date:
Would you like letters from both sexes? Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: No
If yes, which service:
Can you respond to emails:
Activities in prison:
Anything else:

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