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Miguel Sliger DC22-07666
Dolphin County Prison
501 Mall Rd
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111

Fighting an uphill battle of a life sentence with minimal help. Looking for help in anyway that I can, and if something more comes of that, then that’ll be a surprise. Not much to tell, if you’re interested you’ll figure it out. I’m outgoing and pay attention to detail, and I cherish intelligence. I would like as much help as possible to pay for legal assistance. Falaooo! Bossed up Bsgg

10 toes down I’ll never fold, it’s just hard if you’re being realistic. Add me on the GTL getting out app and connect network app. And if you just wanna contribute here’s the cashapp: $banksavy just put donation or legal defense.

Date of Birth: 2/25/1986
Height: 6'
Education: High school
Occupation before prison: Entrepreneur
Earliest release date:
Maximum release date:
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: GTL getting out app
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: Reviewing my Legal documents and watching movies on my tablet
Anything else:
Selling anything I can to finance my legal expenses

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