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Oz Azali A794657
Toledo Correctional Institution
2001 East Central Ave
Toledo, Ohio 43608

Hello, I hope this message reaches you in good spirits. My name is Oz, I am interested in a variety of activities including ultra marathons and skydiving. Obviously, I can do neither of these because of my living arrangments. I served in the military, earned a couple of degrees, and worked as a project manager for years. I traveled far and wide, to destinations where most speak English as a foreign language, and to regions with the worlds largest waterfall. I have enjoyed safaris, backpacked through Africa, and climbed some of the highest peaks in Korea. I fought a war, bounced around USA, and taught in an elementary school in Kenya. Yet, above everything, I am a loving father of two amazing children. I am looking for a penpal, a buddy, someone to share experiences with. Write me, I will call you.

Date of Birth: 2-17-86
Height: 6'3"
Education: MBA
Occupation before prison: Sr. IT Project Manager
Earliest release date: 12-03-43
Maximum release date: Life
Would you like letters from both sexes? Yes
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: JPAY
Can you respond to emails: Yes
Activities in prison: working out, reading, going to library
Anything else:

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