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Marianna Bailey 02409124
Hobby Unit
P.O. Box 660400
Dallas, Texas 75266-0400
Howdy!! I was born on the west coast, raised back east, then, after living in So. Cal for too long, I found a nice place to call home in north Texas. Before this juncture, I enjoyed long distance trail running, days out on the boat in the middle of any body of water.. lake, ocean, rivers or inlets going to the ocean.. Traveled a lot, as a child then as an adult with my own children.
I'm on here looking for stimulating, intelligent conversations that take my mind away and hopefully lead to lasting friendships. I had my own Holistic Pain management practice, which offered the flexibility to put my children's schedules first and still provide a comfy life for us. I'd been separated, fighting for a divorce and battling custody from an abusive man. Ultimately things crashed, I snapped and I ended up in prison for essentially protecting my young daughter. I'm fighting my case, and I have a strong faith I'll be home sooner than later!
I spend my days in bible studies then helping women with various legal work, and working out. I'm never alone but I lead a very introspective life, focused on growing, taking time for myself. I had a big life and to land here is a true adventure as in the biggest cultural shock of my life. I'm told I handle it well but I don't know! I don't want to assimilate, I try to keep one foot in the world, hence why I want to meet friends that will keep me connected to the outside!
I look forward to chatting with you! Snail mail can take months to reach me, so please sign up with the e-messaging option through securustech.net =)
Date of Birth: 12/1/1984
Height: 5'10"
Education: College
Occupation before prison: Holistic Practitioner
Earliest Release Date: 1/24/2043
Maximum Release Date: 2065 (I'm going through an appeal)
Would you like letters from both sexes? Men
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email? Yes
If yes which service?
Securustech.net Id # 18332099
Can you respond to email?
Activities in prison:
Bible studies, helping women with vaious legal work and working out
Anything Else? Write me for my story
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