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Christian Baker 2182245
Coffeewood Correctional Center
P.O. Box 500
Mitchells, Virginia 22729

Waiting to share laughs with you! Are you tired of the same old personal ads and lies? Or guys who are lacking honesty, sincerity and respect? Well, I promise to shower you with attention, affection and appreciation, deliver a prompt reply to all your letters and emails and devote time to you and you alone.

I came to America from Africa at the age of fourteen. I’m a confident, spontaneous and open minded author who loves to write letters. I believe that this prison time is a stepping stone to my success and I try to always look for the opportunities in life and not the obstacles.
I’m sure you believe in second chances, I’m just a regular man who made a mistake, despite it all, I still continue to better myself as a person under these conditions.

Prison is lonely and I would like to meet some new people. I’m searching for a meaningful and lasting friendship, maybe more? Inner warmth is more important than anything else because I want to get to know you from the inside out!

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to send me a message so we can become acquainted.

Date of Birth: 3/22/1993
Height: 5'6"
Education: High school
Occupation before prison: Electrician
Earliest Release Date: 9/5/2028
Maximum Release Date: 9/5/2028
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: 
Anything else: To contact me via Jpay.com, put in my name: Christian Baker and my number: 2182245

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