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David Henry 36842B
South Woods State Prison - 1402
P.O. Box 96777
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193
*** Mail must first go to a central mail processing facility at the above address to curb the introduction of mail contraband. David is incarcerated in New Jersey.
About David: Housed in Bridgeton, New Jersey. Race: White. Sex: Male. Age: 62 years old. Hair: Brown. Eyes: Blue. Sexual Orientation: Gay (limited). Conservative looking and acting, drug free.
Willing to correspond outside U.S.
Housing: Unknown. Seeking safe place and adequate medical care.
I’m hoping to make some new friends. I’ve been here since 2007 and will be released in June 2026.
I love animals and enjoy reading and being outdoors. I love music (primarily 1960’s to 1980’s), movies, traveling outside the U.S.
My Story: My case is a real horror story. I have a rare, true case of actual innocence. No crime was committed in this case. I was charged with murder and wrongfully convicted of aggravated manslaughter. My sexuality was the centerpiece of the case against me.
The defense made mistakes, the prosecutor and police terrorized me and the jury reached a compromise verdict. There are 16 scientific reasons why this case cannot be a homicide. Post-trial, this case was reviewed by 12 Israeli pathologists, who unanimously agreed that this is not a homicide. Furthermore, the renowned forensic pathologist, Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D., reviewed my case and issued a report stating it is not a homicide. Yet the courts have denied me repeatedly. I am willing to share my case materials.
Future Plans: Clear my name, obtain ESL certification.
Conclusion: If you write to me, I’ll reply to your letter. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know. I hope to hear from a new friend soon.
Date of Birth: 1962
Height: 6'0"
Education: B.A.
Occupation before prison: U.S. Navy Negotiator
Earliest Release Date: 6/20/2026
Maximum Release Date: 6/20/2026
Would you like letters from both sexes: Men
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Jpay.com
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Work as a paralegal, reading and writing, walking in yard
Anything else: I like to make new friends. I have a valid actual innocence claim
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