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Kenneth Moore 369765
Clallam Bay Corrections Center
1830 Eagle Crest Way
Clallam Bay, Washington 98326
Want to know if you believe in horoscopes, good company, love, honesty, and a better life? What's your company like? What makes you different? What's your love language? My names clear it's Kenneth Moore. My DOC # is 369765. I have little time left, I'm looking for good company. Good synergy. I don't understand fake people and I don't like liars. Things happen and I'm not into wasting my time. I'm energetic, I've come along way in life. I believe in change and respect those who have plethora of values. I respect woman as much as I respect myself. I love bettering my atmosphere and whoever's company in it. Time's flying by. I've invested in education. Molding my body and what I want in life. Fulfilling my goals and aims in life.
Who are you? I can't wait to travel maybe fall in love and start a family. You never know where life takes you especially with someone like me. I got time but none to waste hit me up on Securus the rest is written from there. Don't be afraid of of true value and a real one.
Date of Birth: 4-10-91
Height: 5'11"
Education: High school
Occupation before prison: Construction
Earliest Release Date: 12-10-2026
Maximum Release Date: 12-10-2028
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Securus Technologies
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Working out, studying, beading, music
Anything else:
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