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Pedro Abad 17A2673
Hudson Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 576
Hudson, New York 12534-0576
First and foremost, I want to say gracias (thank you) for sharing your time to look over my profile. So, gracias =).
Long story short, I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be alive. God saved me for a reason, so I’ve worked on bettering myself through the years. Not only to BE the man God created me to be, but to find a woman to love, who loves me.
I’m a loving, giving, selfless man, always putting women first. I promise you, Señorita, age does NOT matter. Whether it be for forever, or just a little while, let us Carpe Diem together and seize the day.
Date of Birth: 9/22/1987
Height: 5'7"
Education: Associate's degree
Occupation before prison: Police officer
Earliest Release Date: 9/2/2025
Maximum Release Date: 5/2/2042
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: securustech.net
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Law library clerk, barbershop training, gardening volunteer, teacher's aide for student tutoring, bible study, church, received "Outside Clearance", college enrolled for Bachelor's degree and later Master's degree
Anything else: My favorite movies are The Matrix, Grease, Count of Monte Cristo and Beauty and the Beast. Am regretfully a fan of the Jersey Shore (lol). As I am currently a certified Paralegal, I next intend to become a lawyer.
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