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Victor Garcia 371411
Airway Heights Correctional Center, MSU C4
PO Box 2049
Airway Heights, Washington 99001

Hello, My name is Victor Garcia, I am 31 years young. I am on here in hopes to meet and correspond with successful people so I can learn from you how you got to where you are. My hope is to release from prison a better man that the one I came in as. So far, I have accumulated more that 300 college credits from various certificates. I'm currently working to finish my A.A.S.T in business and hopefully start my A.A in engineering.

I have 18 months left so time is precious. I understand there are different definitions of success and different ways to measure it, so please share your wisdom and knowledge with someone willing to listen.

A little bit about me.. I enjoy the great outdoors...Also known as the yard. I love to learn and laugh, good vibes only. I don't have kids, have been in prison for almost 12 years and am almost home. So tell me about you. May you have a blessed day.

Date of Birth: 3-13-93
Height: 5'7"
Education: College
Occupation before prison: N/A
Earliest Release Date: 2026
Maximum Release Date: 2027
Would you like letters from both sexes: Women
(This does not refer to sexual orientation)  
Can you receive email: Yes
If yes, which service: Securus
Can you respond to email: Yes
Activities in prison: Reading, working out, painting
Anything else:

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